Do You Speak My Language
By Beriaearwen

Crossover: Angel the Series (BtVS) / Stargate: SG1
Characers: Fred, Samantha Carter, pre-Atlantis Rodney McKay - briefly
Disclaimer: The characters of Buffy The Vampire Slayer and Angel, the series, belong to J. Whedon, etc. The characters of Stargate: SG1 belong to Sci-Fi, etc. All are used here without permission no copyright infringement is intended.
Word Count: 364
Rating: G - suitable for all ages
Note: this isn't a fully-formed idea, but I wanted to get it down so I wouldn't forget it. I'm very specifically mentioning it's a brief appearance by pre-Atlantis Rodney because before that spin off he was way too irritating for his own good.

Do You Speak My Language?
By Beriaearwen

Fred let out a sigh as yet another person she respected walked by without even looking in her direction. She still wondered how she let herself be talked into coming to this conference, but with both Wesley and Gunn encouraging her to make use of her knowledge rather than hiding it away, she soon found herself on a plane.

Right now she felt torn. She’d noticed several mistakes in some of the presentations and when she’d mentioned them quietly to the presenter afterward, her corrections were not well received. Of course, it became even more frustrating when Rodney McKay, a supposed expert in her field, got lost within the first three minutes of their discussion, declared she didn’t know what she was talking about and then left in a huff.

She didn’t understand why no one else could see what she did, see the simplicity of the equations and how they all wrapped together. Really, it sat there plain as day for anyone to see.

“I saw you had a run-in with McKay,” a friendly and slightly sympathetic voice said at her side.

Turning, Fred took in the woman beside her. Her eyes widened as recognition set in and excitement build. “Doctor Carter,” she greeted, reaching out and clasping the woman’s hand, shaking it up and down. “I’m so excited to meet you here. Your work is just fascinating and inspiring. Though, I do think you might want to re-evaluate your equation on wormholes slightly and maybe look at a portal instead.”

“How so,” the military scientist asked, curious.

Fred quickly launched into an outline of her own theory and how it related to Doctor Carter’s. When she finished she held her breath, waiting for the woman to brush her off or pretend to understand before walking away like everyone else. The far away look in the other woman’s eyes caused Fred to internally deflate.

“I think I see where you’re going with this,” Doctor Carter finally announced. “But I don’t remember hearing anything to account for emissions and energy variations.”

Fred’s eyes widened and a brilliant smile appeared on her face. Finally, someone who spoke her language!


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