Magnificent Seven One Word Challenge Answers

Below is a listing of my responses to the One Word (or Word Of The Week) Challenge offered on the M7_One_Word_Challenge list. In this challenge you are only given 15 minutes to write a response, so no beta on any of these. Expect spelling mistakes, incomplete thoughts, improper punctuation and repeated words. You have been warned. ;-)

For all answers to these challenges, please refer to the following website: Word Of The Week Challenge. You should take a moment and take a peek. There are some great ficlets here.

Word: Convoy
Convoy (Little Britches ATF): Vin and JD are focused on their convoy when Buck overhears them talking.

Word: Intervention
Intervention (LB ATF AU): (FRC - Fan Rated Suitable For Children) Little Vin applies what he's learned at school.
Lesson Learned (Guardian Angel AU): (FRT - Fan Rated Suitable For Teens) One of the Seven's guardian angels learns a lesson.

Word: Pasta
Thank You Dinner (Cub & Kit AU): Vin and Ezra find a way to thank Jim and Blair for watching them while Chris & the others are away.

Word: Ravage
Reading Lesson (LB ATF AU): A reading assignment takes an interesting turn and Buck and Chris take the heat.

Word: Outrider
Riding Herd (LB OW): You know those parties that get out of hand...

Multi-word answer
Scavenger Hunt (ATF): Since I'd been falling behind on the challenges, I decided to include them all in this one story. This is what happens when Ezra gets invited to a party and the others tag along.

Ezra's Essays (ATF): The 4 October 2005 challenge included words for the previous 4 weeks as well thereby giving a total of five words. In addition to the challenge of using each of these words in a ficlet, there was a challenge to use all 5 in one ficlet. This response includes all five words: insomnia, dreadful, artful, Vegan and sang-froid.

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